Stabilising walking tracks in the Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden

Stabilising walking tracks in the Wildflower Garden

Ku-ring-gai Wildflower Garden is one of Sydney’s best kept secrets. Situated in St Ives, the 123 hectares of urban bushland is a great spot for bush walking and outdoor adventure.

There is a network of tracks through this extremely environmentally sensitive area. The local council has major issues with track erosion, especially when it rains. The soil is very sandy and walking tracks regularly wash out during heavy downpours. This leads to the paths being closed to visitors for safety reasons. The council needed to stop the erosion and DirtGlue was the best solution.

Tracks were treated with a surface application of DirtGlue Industrial. Quite simply, spraying a mixture of DirtGlue and water onto the dirt. Well known problem areas were treated as a priority, stabilising paths, steps and rock structures. The contrast between treated and untreated areas is significant.

Furthermore, because of a preference to avoid cement/concrete in this environmentally sensitive area, parks staff have installed signage posts into the ground using Dirtglue instead of concrete.

Bush track bench anchored into DirtGlue slab – no concrete!

Bush track bench anchored into DirtGlue slab – no concrete!

On a quiet walking track on Hobart’s Eastern Shore, Greentrack collaborated with Clarence Council on the installation of a memorial seat. Usually, this style of seat is bolted into a concrete slab, however for this installation the goal was to avoid using concrete.

This seat was bolted into a slab of limestone gravel and DirtGlue Industrial. Limestone gravel was chosen to blend with the gravel in the walking track alongside.

The project was a great success. The bench sits very naturally in the bush setting and no concrete was used.

Walking track connects West Hobart Oval to the community

gravel and DirtGlue walking track

In April 2017, Greentrack installed a gravel and DirtGlue walking track for the City of Hobart, as part of a major development of the West Hobart Oval.


During the Council’s project planning, the feedback from the community consultation requested a sealed track that didn’t suffer potholes. However, the community also didn’t want concrete or bitumen.
Gravel and DirtGlue was a great solution.

The paving for the track was constructed with DirtGlue Industrial and a blend of locally sourced gravels, Tasmanian Gold and Blue Metal. Steel was used to edge the pathway.


The outcome was a long lasting, sealed gravel track, radiating the soft natural colour of Tasmanian Gold. Furthermore, like all Greentrack’s products, the bonding agent, DirtGlue Industrial, has zero toxicity and is friendly to the environment.

Disc golf, meet DirtGlue


projects disc golf tee-pads One of Australia’s oldest and most revered disc golf courses, Poimena Reserve in Hobart, has installed a number of DirtGlue & gravel tee pads, and players are raving about them. Since the disc golf course was redesigned in 2007, the course has operated with compacted red gravel tee pads. Although red gravel is a much better option than natural tee pads, the gravel can be slippery and, crucially, requires regular maintenance due to erosion from foot traffic and weather.

For years, concrete has been the only practical alternative to upgrading the tee pads, but the cost, difficulties with site access and a preference to steer away from concrete in the reserve has always been a barrier to upgrading with this material.

DirtGlue presented the opportunity to install sealed gravel tee pads with comparable durability to concrete, but with a much friendlier environmental footprint, and at lower cost. Greentrack collaborated with the Glenorchy Council and local volunteers to install nine new DirtGlue tee pads.

Players are delighted with the new tee pads. The sealed gravel surface is super stable and offers great grip in all weathers, which means players can rip discs without fear of slipping and risking injury.

Significantly, the tee pads are now zero maintenance and will last for years, which is a huge step towards maintaining the sustainability of the course. The long term plan is to upgrade the remaining red gravel tee pads with DirtGlue so this famous course can continue to stage national tournaments and inspire the next generation of Tasmanian disc golfers.

projects disc golf tee-pads projects disc golf tee-pads projects disc golf tee-pads

Thoughts on Safer Mining Environments

safer mining environments with Global Environmental Solutions

Mining is one of the oldest industries in the world. And, it will remain one of the backbones of our economy and that of many other nations long beyond our lifetimes. That said, one of the recurring trends in the U.S. media is the often adverse working conditions for employees as well as the ever-present concern about damaging the environment.

Here’s the good news:

Good environmental practices and mine safety are easily attainable and is far more affordable than you might think. And, while you may have needed several different contractors to meet regulations before, Global Environmental Solutions (GES) is your one-stop-shop to meet and exceed environmental and site-safety specifications.

Areas you can utilize our products:

  • Above ground and under ground haul roads
  • Capping above ground tailings/stockpiles
  • Tailing dams
  • Pond lining
  • Stabilizing backfills
  • Re-vegetation
  • Crushers
  • Conveyors
  • And many more!

The activity of mining means the creation and existence of dust. It affects everything from the surrounding ecosystem, to the lungs of miners, to the health of equipment, and surrounding communities due to environmental shifts (wind), etc. That said, all mining sites are unique, so you need a partner that can provide a solution that takes care of all-of-the-above customized to your site’s needs.

GES dust suppression products we’ll use to shape your solution:


  • Dust control for any dirt driving surface (continuous traffic, high traffic, heavy traffic)
  • Underground mining operations
  • Non-aqueous tailing pond dust control (for below freezing temps)


  • Erosion control
  • Stockpile capping
  • Sediment control
  • Stockpile sealing
  • SWPP management plans
  • Embankment stabilization
  • Contaminated soil containment
  • Eliminate TSS in storm water run-off
  • Dust control on non-driving surfaces
  • Replace conventional tackifier in Hydro-seeding applications
  • Tailings ponds


  • Re-vegetation for permanent erosion control and dust control

Our products can be used to develop dust management, sediment control and stabilization for your unique requirements. Our DustLess product is absorbed by the dust particles, which stabilizes them and keeps them from entering the air and getting swept about. DirtGlue, which is an acrylic polymer, is applied to non-traffic areas such as soft shoulders and adjacent stockpiles and embankments. The polymer forms a tough protective crust that stops the dust created by the vacuum effect of passing vehicles. When applied to stockpile and embankments, DirtGlue also protects against sediment runoff as well as wind and water erosion issues. If revegetation is needed DirtGlue polymer can be used as a tackifier in conjunction with CompoMulch to vegetate nearly any surface of nearly any soil type.

Coal Bunker Sealing

DirtGlue polymer stockpile capping and sealing is the antidote to the oxidation and moisture that leads to spontaneous combustion in coalbunkers. Keeping coalbunkers sealed mandates an effective, reliable air-blocking system. Sealing coalbunkers is, of course, more necessity than choice. Air circulating through the coalbunkers is a precursor to spontaneous combustion, a serious danger to a power plant, its employees, and the value of the stored coal itself. The spraying of DirtGlue polymer on stockpiles or bunkers causes the formation of a thin crust much like a spray-on tarp to act as a seal against water and air. This protective seal helps prevent fire, dust, erosion and loss of BTU’s.


  • Eliminate air and water penetration
  • Control dust through encapsulation
  • Minimize oxidation to prevent spontaneous combustion
  • Prevent costly coal bunker fires
  • Slow coal deterioration and water absorption that can reduce BTU value
  • Get the desired results without the higher cost of nitrogen injections

Further, when it comes to the transport of mined coal we can help with transportation efforts of the resource, as statistics show that a typical 3-5% loss of coal is experienced during transport from the mine. This can be avoided by “capping” the train or truck hopper hauling the load with one of our environmentally friendly spray-on solutions.

Are you in the mining industry and looking for ways to maximize safety, minimize environmental impact, all while simultaneously increasing profits on an extracted haul? Contact us today and let’s work together to come up with the customized solution to best fit your unique situation.