Controlling the Dust Around Your Equestrian Facilities

dust control for equestrian facilities

In the northern half of North America, winter is in full swing. Thus, for horse owners/trainers, and us equestrians more time is spent indoors – in our barns, and at the indoor riding facilities. Winter also means that the air is significantly drier as humidity has hunkered down for the season. With all this in mind, we thought we’d spend some time talking about the proactive measures one should be taking to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for both the horses and humans taking up residence in our facilities. This is not merely conversation for us here in the north by any means. We just needed to let you know that we’re cold up here… But we’re not complaining! Life moves on…

So, what are you doing to assure your facilities are optimized for safety and healthy conditions?

The reality of spending more time in indoor arenas means a greater chance for dust to impede a healthy environment. Generally speaking, the activity taking place and the dirt that’s in place counteract with one another. It’s imperative to take control and make sure that the track/trotting/living surface remains intact and on the ground rather than in the air and in your (or your horses) lungs. Right? Right.

This is where Global Environmental Solutions comes in. We’ve studied the terrain of equestrian facilities long and hard and have come up with a product that keeps soil intact and surfaces optimized for impact, performance, and health. Said product is ArenaKleen®, which is the only horse arena dust control product that eliminates the health hazards of dust without the need for water or the drawbacks of water based dust control products. With ArenaKleen® dust suppressant, horses, riders and trainers can work safely and comfortably in the arena, stables, or anywhere dust is a problem. ArenaKleen® has been know to keep on working for years with a single application.

Other horse arena dust control products just coat the dust particles; ArenaKleen® works differently. ArenaKleen® is formulated to absorb into each individual soil particle, meaning that soil particles remain in direct contact with each other, ensuring firm footing, and excellent traction with no stickiness, and thus no tracking.

The other product we’re passionate about is DustLess® dust suppressant. For all intents and purposes, the name says it all…

DustLess® soaks into the individual soil/dust particles, making them too heavy to move, thus eliminating dust. It does not form a crust and never evaporates, thereby being unaffected by traffic. DustLess® lasts a very long time, often giving you 9-12 months or more of dust control with one application. Furthermore, when it’s time to reapply, it’s done at a much lower usage rate ensuring cost-effective, long lasting dust control.

And let’s not place the focus entirely on the indoor facility. Parking lots, and fields surrounding your facility (as well as outdoor tracks of course) could all greatly benefit from the proactive approach of eliminating dust from the surrounding environment.

Introducing GES products to any working piece of your facility has myriad benefits including:

  • Bolstered longevity of facility
  • Longer, healthier life of horses (and humans)
  • Adds value to facility
  • Increased performance across the board
  • Environmentally friendly

Let’s make sure your facility is primed and ready for healthier conditions and bolstered performance. Give us a call today to learn about the advantages of utilizing GES products in and around the barn.